The Beav according to Beav

Still crazy after all these years.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Intro to Korea

I thought I should probably post a little of Korea. I still haven't seen much of it, but out the gate is an almost overwhelming display in pursuit of the (not so) almighty Won. There are 300 bars in a 3-block radius from the gate. This is not an exaggeration. The storefronts (including restaurants and bars) stack right on top of each other. Many signs include the legend "2F" or "3F" indicating the floor you should stop at for their wares.

I included these two pictures simply because they appeal to the hippie idealist in me. The mural of the two flags painted on a wall out in town touches me. What touches me even more is that there is almost no graffiti painted on it, though there is some nearby. And the Peace Shop? How can you top it? "How much to get some for the planet?" They actually sell art in there. Most of it looks good, if not particularly inspiring. I have a few pics from Lotte World (an indoor/outdoor amusement park attached to a mall with an icerink), but those will wait for another day.

Much love!

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  • At 10:25 AM, Blogger kevin hall said…

    Yeah Bro! Nice to finally see some pics from the exotic local you've landed in. Now you've gotta go get some local grub and tell us about it. Do they eat dog there? Hey, honest question.

    How far does the dollar go in Won country? Man, you should get a phrasebook and find some cool stuff.

    Keep the photos comming.
    Love ya.

  • At 11:30 PM, Blogger K said…

    Peace. They sell it to Americans there, huh? Well, it's for sale here, too, if you can just get over the packaging.

    Feel free to send some home.

  • At 10:44 PM, Blogger Soo Mi said…

    I dunno about that peace for sale stuff. I kinda need patience, perhaps a bulk package, and sooner rather than later.

    I can't seem to find that, although I can get a prescription for a magic pill that makes me not give a damn. Not *exactly* the same thing, though.

    Patience vs apathy. That's tricky.


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