The Beav according to Beav

Still crazy after all these years.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's all brand new

I've neglected my blog. It's been an eventful few weeks. I started my new job at the Wing (2 levels above the normal "Squadron level").

I am in an office that supervises other offices on 3 continents. And none of them seem to like to do what they're told. It's a very different office than I've ever worked in before. We have 3-5 impromptu meetings a day. Just "did you get that e-mail?" and we all spin around to discuss what the instruction says, what the ramifications are, what waivers are reasonable. It's really quite eye-opening to see things from this level.

Add to that the need to visit each of these subordinate units at least once a year, and it looks like I'll be racking up some frequent flyer miles this assignment.

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  • At 4:05 PM, Blogger Soo Mi said…

    So you'll be heading down here where it's hot-hot-hot, yes?

  • At 7:50 PM, Blogger Beav said…

    I assume it's likely sometime in the next few years. I won't go on every trip, and that's a distributed partner, so I don't think we have to visit as often. But I think it's likely that someone will visit (and I'll definitely lobby to be on the team).

  • At 11:13 AM, Blogger K said…

    Does eye-opening translate into a job you'll be able to enjoy?
    Also, are the plans progressing to come for your reunion?

  • At 6:43 PM, Blogger Beav said…

    I think I'll get some enjoyment out of it. I dig most of the people in my office, and that helps tremendously. Also, looking at big-picture stuff and doing "Big Air Force" sort of work is kind of fulfilling, in a way.


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