Adult Attention Defic...ooh look!
I love white boards. They are so infinitely handy to scribble notes to yourself, lists of things you need to do, or a quick outline to organize your thought processes. I realized today that what I need, here and now, is whiteboard material that you can tack to the wall (or the bulletin board that I have in my room). Unfortunately, the Publix I was shopping in when that revelation hit me had nothing that would meet that need. I suspect that no one can meet that need as of yet.
On the other hand, they did have a sushi counter. After finding that every choice had avocado in it, the man behind the counter asked me if he could make something for me. I said "I'd like a spicy roll, but I don't like avocado." "Tuna, Salmon, or Shrimp?" was his reply. I asked if I could have some of each, and he assured me that was no problem, though it would fill two packages instead of one. Not a problem for this guy. He urged me to finish shopping and come back, so I continued on my way. As I walk through an aisle on the other end of the store looking for tissues, I hear a voice call for me. I look up, and here comes the sushi guy bearing my two packages of spicy roll, no avocado. Just brought them out and found me. Now that's what I call service.
And lastly, I think that 5 washers is too few for a building with 90 rooms. Particularly when all or most of the occupants are on the same schedule, so everyone wants to wash their clothes either Saturday or Sunday morning. Problematic at best. At least I'm not a woman, having to worry about who may be pawing through my things if I leave the tiny laundry room. Guys rarely have to worry about that.
--Beav (Boing!)
On the other hand, they did have a sushi counter. After finding that every choice had avocado in it, the man behind the counter asked me if he could make something for me. I said "I'd like a spicy roll, but I don't like avocado." "Tuna, Salmon, or Shrimp?" was his reply. I asked if I could have some of each, and he assured me that was no problem, though it would fill two packages instead of one. Not a problem for this guy. He urged me to finish shopping and come back, so I continued on my way. As I walk through an aisle on the other end of the store looking for tissues, I hear a voice call for me. I look up, and here comes the sushi guy bearing my two packages of spicy roll, no avocado. Just brought them out and found me. Now that's what I call service.
And lastly, I think that 5 washers is too few for a building with 90 rooms. Particularly when all or most of the occupants are on the same schedule, so everyone wants to wash their clothes either Saturday or Sunday morning. Problematic at best. At least I'm not a woman, having to worry about who may be pawing through my things if I leave the tiny laundry room. Guys rarely have to worry about that.
--Beav (Boing!)
Labels: Observations
At 6:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Haha post its are my answer...I now have post it notes all over my desk for when an idea hits me for my blog. You may want to try a craft store for the whiteboard layover though..craft stores have everything!!
Good luck in your tournament tonight!! May Luck be a Lady and may you get the nuts every flop!!
At 7:23 PM,
Beav said…
Excellent idea! I'll have to see if I can find one tomorrow. Post-it's are great, but they don't work as well for me. The versatility and visibility of the whiteboard are crucial. The tourney's not 'til next week, but I'll keep your benefaction handy. (I'll need it.) ;)
At 3:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
I agree about whiteboards versus postits. I can lose postits. I have a huge whiteboard in my livingroom where we (try to) track the bills and make lists. I'm a lister.
As for the washers, you could always use a sink, I guess! Or you could drive all the way to florida and use the facilities available at one of your dear dear friends' places! ;)
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