Where does he get those Wonderful Toys?
I know, it's been a bit since I posted last. Last post was my birthday. Shortly after that, I got presents. Overlord for the PC - a fantastic game ("Are you evil, or truly evil?") and Bard's Tale for the XBox - an update on the original. Then, we had to replace our TV (the old one would no longer accept outside inputs...like the satellite or DVD player), and since I refuse to lug a tower and gargantu-CRT to Korea and Saundra's died, we got replacement laptops. (More debt, but will be dealt with shortly. Yay SRB!) So, I've had toys to play with and retain my wandering attention. I also have to update this new computer to do all the stuff my old one did...e-mail, games, mozilla add-ons, and what-not.
Off I go, to install and download.
Off I go, to install and download.
At 4:21 PM,
Soo Mi said…
Dude--that's like me getting Mister ready for his deployment:
new digital camera: check
multiple memcards: check
mp3 player: check
upgrade/defrag laptop: check
power adapters: check
rechargeable batteries: check
cooler tray for laptop: check
cables for mp3 and camera: check
applicable software: check
I'm left wondering if he's off to geek camp instead of war. Of course, telling me he dropped his mp3 player at the pool at a military base in the middle of the war theater didn't help define the gray areas either.
At 7:45 PM,
Beav said…
Sure it does...this part is gray, that part is light-gray.
At 2:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is great info to know.
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