The Beav according to Beav

Still crazy after all these years.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'm movin' on

Interesting news:

I've been told I'm going to move. To Korea. For a year. Alone. (But not 'til June)

This does not upset me as much as some of you might think.

When I was growing up, my dad was in the Air Force. For a while, we moved every few years, as was normal for the military. When my parents separated, we took one last move, to Florida, where we settled. But, the setting was done by then. I feel cooped up - caged - when I stay in one place too long. I've been in this area for almost 10 years. Attached to the same unit for the whole time. I've seen people come and go. I've seen mission dwindle and die away. I know more about the history of our system than its capabilities. I've been itching to leave for at least 3 or 4 years.

The real good thing about going to Korea is that after that year is over, I get my choice of assignments. As long as they have billets at a base, they'll do what they can to put me in one of 'em. So, I take a one year hit - a separation from my wife and two boys - and I get to pick my spot. Clearly a win in the long-range column. It also takes me off the list to go involuntarily. (Though it no longer moves me to the end of the deployment list.)

I'm thinking about Peterson AFB, Schriever AFB, or perhaps Buckley AFB. They are in Colorado Springs and Denver, which means further away from my dad, stepmom, and many friends; but in the same town as (or close to) my mom, brother, sister, their families, and several friends that moved there from Florida. Again, some minus, some plus.

So, I've got 9 months to get myself and my family ready for the separation; get Saundra into a day job so she can more easily handle the boys; get my laptop fixed or replaced; get webcams; and get my replacement fully spun up. No sweat.

--Beav (Besides, I dig kimchi.)

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

What, already?

My son went to kindergarten for the first time yesterday. It was a little scary; a little emotional; a little traumatic. Of course, he didn't notice any of that. As always, he was a little ball of confidence: as sure of himself as he is of the sun.

He has a homework folder that stays in his backpack. Thus far, he's had a certificate proclaiming a great 1st day and a Scholastic book order form. I remember the Scholastic form from my days in the low-numbered grades. Nothing brought such craving and lust for "things" like the Scholastic form. I always wanted at least 75% of the stuff they were selling, but had to settle for the few we could manage. Always disappointed, but always satisfied, too. I always got some great story, some new world to escape into.

Now, as a parent, I see the order form. I look at the prices almost before I look at the titles. I remember growing up and vow that he will grow up the same way. Disappointment, but satisfaction, too.
