The Beav according to Beav

Still crazy after all these years.

Monday, February 21, 2005


It occurs to me that I totally forgot to mention Valentine's Day. Luckily for me, I didn't forget it last Monday, just in blogging. Being on the wrong side of broke (a day before payday), I wasn't able to get roses, chocolate, or the diamond necklace that several companies assured me were necessary to guarantee my continued marital bliss. So, I wrote a small poem, and put it together with a picture to create a "card" on Powerpoint. Then, shortly before Ryan went to bed, I ran her a rocket hot bubble bath (we have a garden tub). When she got out, and finished drying off in her straight-from-the-dryer towel, I gave her a massage.

She was pleased. So, I was pleased.

So, tell me: What, if anything, did you do? What was the best Valentine experience you've had? Tell me your tales!


Sunday, February 20, 2005

Beginnings and Endings

I was introduced to a new service this week. A site called Bebo will (with the cooperation of your friends) keep all of their contact info updated, like address, email, phone, whatever. It's pretty cool, and I've got a couple people in my address book already. It also let me put up a few pics to share with my friends. I hope to get more people in it, but it'll take time.

A sad note (for me anyway): it appears that no longer exists. It was a fairly comprehensive list of gamer terminology, slang, and pejoratives. Always an entertaining read. Sometimes a little close to home, but fun anyway.

Lastly (for today), it's getting to be WalkAmerica time again. (Which means it's been almost a year since I started the!) So the first of May, I'll be going down the the boardwalk and walking 5 miles along the beach to raise money for the March of Dimes. You can go to my page to read up on it and/or sponsor me to help the babies. (Blatant plug)

I guess that's it for this installment. Tune in next time when I am sure to say something interesting!


Friday, February 11, 2005


I'd like to relate something I saw last weekend. My wife was driving as we cruised down the interstate at something like 72-73. She muttered an exclamation, looking in her rear-view window, so I twist to see what's coming. Just then, at about 80 or so, "zoom!" the motorcycle that caught her eye passes us. Pretty normal bike with the exception that is cruising down the interstate on its back wheel. It's up straight, so that the rider has to stand straight up on the pegs to maintain that balance. Apart from the surprise, my main thought was that here was the reason that motorcyclists have a reputation for recklessness, despite the fact that most or all of the ones I know are safe, even cautious, riders. (But then, when your first accident may be your last...)

Oh, here's another link that I like to go to on a regular basis. Q106.5 Video Vault. Some of the things in there are the funniest things I've ever seen. Granted, some of them just make me shake my head at the idiocy on display, but most of them are hillariously funny.

Some exciting news in the biomedical field: A researcher in China found the secret to coaxing a stem cell to become a motor neuron. Now, motor neurons are the ones that make you move, so this is a huge step in curing things like Lou Gehrig's disease. What they do to coax them to become other cells involves "chemical cocktails" that sort of simulate what the body does at various stages of development. Apparently this scientist found that the trick is the timing of introtucing these cocktails to the cell. That could also lead to finding the "recipe" for various other cells. Pretty cool, if you ask me.

Finally, I saw a good marquee: "Free trip to Heaven! Details inside." I thought that was pretty clever. Got a chuckle out of me anyway (and not the cynical one).
