Ok, now I'm pissed.
This article made me lose my cool. Quick run-down is this: Several uniformed soldiers are escorting a fallen comrade home for burial. After putting their friend on the plane (with an honor guard of locals), they are escorted to security by a uniformed policeman. Once there, the TSA screener checks IDs for the soldiers and cop, then has them go through the metal detector. Well, it's a
medal detector, too, cause duh! So, in front of everyone waiting to get to their own flights, these soldiers (who are escorting the corpse of a friend, don't forget) are forced to strip down to socks, pants, and undershirts. While there's a local policeman there who
knows they're legit. While there's a flag-draped coffin waiting for them in a plane on the tarmac.
What else is there to say: DIAF, TSA.
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