Go ahead, ask me anything.
I've been caught in another seductive web of the...web.
I found Yahoo! Answers. There is something undeniably attractive about hundreds, nay thousands, of questions begging for your input. People with conundrums seemingly custom-designed for your knowledge. Not only that, but if you answer well, and the asker likes it, they can tell you that yours was the "Best Answer!" Man! That kind of validation can't be found just anywhere.
Granted, like any place on the web, there are trolls and idiots to suffer through. But there are also very real people with very real dilemmas, stumpers, and philosophical thought-journeys. If you're not careful, you can lose a day or 13 in there.
I found Yahoo! Answers. There is something undeniably attractive about hundreds, nay thousands, of questions begging for your input. People with conundrums seemingly custom-designed for your knowledge. Not only that, but if you answer well, and the asker likes it, they can tell you that yours was the "Best Answer!" Man! That kind of validation can't be found just anywhere.
Granted, like any place on the web, there are trolls and idiots to suffer through. But there are also very real people with very real dilemmas, stumpers, and philosophical thought-journeys. If you're not careful, you can lose a day or 13 in there.